Tree Fertilizing

Do Your Trees & Shrubs Need To Be Fertilized?

As with most situations, trees and shrubs thrive in their natural forest habitats without the need for fertilization by us.

Our yards however are a different story. Our trees have to compete against our lawn and other trees and plants for nourishment and fertilization does not occur naturally as it does in the forest.

It’s critical to apply a slow- release tree fertilizer in order to replace those missing nutrients throughout the year.  And this is very important for newly planted trees.

Need more information? Call and set up a quick analysis with our certified arborist today… (845) 291-7172.

tree being fertilized

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tree fertilizer with manure
landscape tree with fertilizer

Benefits Of Tree Fertilization:

There are numerous benefits to proper tree fertilization, among those are:

Frequently Asked Questions

Almost assuredly, yes. If you have trees, you probably need to fertilize them. Trees that grow in the forest get their nutrients from the native soil they originated in. But the soil in your yard is completely different and devoid of many of the nutrients that particular tree needs. That's were tree fertilizing comes in.
Tree fertilizers help trees stay healthy in urban settings. Soil amendments are used for long-term soil improvement. The end results are similar but the two things are different.
Trees that lack important nutrients struggle to grow and you may notice some or more of these symptoms:

- Thin, patchy foliage
_ Dropped leaves during the growing season
- Yellow colored leaves instead of green
- Insects & disease damage
- Stunted growth

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